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InBrain around the world

Our member André Paschoal, who is currently doing part of his PhD at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), will be attending to two conferences that will be held in Leiden, Netherlands.

The first will happen on Wednesday, 16th of January and is entitled "Open MRI: Benelux", which will discuss topics related to open science practices in magnetic resonance imaging in medicine, including open tools for machine learning applications in MRI; data and code sharing practices; the role of mentoring in facilitating academic careers; the future of open access publishing. (more info: OpenMRI).

Next, on Thursday is time for the Benelux Chapter of ISMRM (International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine). This one-day conference is a meeting of researchers from centers of Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. It is a great opportunity to talk and discuss with experienced researchers of those countries! Indeed, it will also be a great opportunity to meet again with our former members Icaro Oliveira and Maíra Pinto.

Enjoy your time, André.

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